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YES or NO either way I grow." Today, I say, "YES" to life!
Day Twenty-One of the Self-love 31-day 5-minute challenge: YES
Where can you say YES more in your life? Are you quick to say, “NO” and wish you would have said, “YES” because you missed out on an opportunity thinking it would not work out for you? Saying no is often the easier way out for some of us. I know, “NO” keeps some of us within our comfort zones, it just stops us in our tracks and keeps us uncommitted to ourselves and other opportunities.
Saying, YES is not always easy for some of us, it means a commitment to ourselves and others, it can be scary not knowing how things will turn out because we ventured out to the ‘YES’ zone.
I invite you to say, “YES” today where your first reaction might be to say, “NO.” Within minutes we make snappy ‘NO’ judgments right off the bat. Today, you have five minutes to think about your answer to a situation, to go deep and make sure you are not saying, “NO” when you really want to say, “YES.” Saying YES to life can work in your favor, even if it turned out ‘NO’ answer would have worked. There is always something to gain because you ventured out.
Growing up my step Dad, always told me to ask for EVERYTHING because I would never know otherwise. He said, never be afraid of the NO answer. Yes or NO answer provided me with knowing, and stepping out of my comfort zone. Therefore, whenever my first reaction was “NO,” I am not gonna ask, I turned it into “yes” I am; I gotz to know. It has served me well. I say, “YES” to life a lot more than my snappy, quick draw “NO.”
Make sure that what you want to do is in alignment with your heart first and foremost that the “YES” to life is coming from your true self and not to make something or someone else happy. Ask yourself “Do I really want this?” If the answer is “YES,” then be awesome, be graceful, own yourself, stand in your power, show kindness and be loyal and disciplined to your goals in life! Dolby Dharma
Here are some ‘YES’ opportunities. Retrieved from “The Value of Saying YES More Often – IQ Matrix Blog.
Say YES to opportunities to attempt something new that you hadn’t tried before.
Say YES to possibilities for new adventures, challenges, and experiences.
Say YES to things that somewhat scare you or that you don’t quite understand.
Say YES to things that break your monotonous rituals, habits, and routines.
Say YES to things that help you learn something new about yourself, about others and about life.
Say YES to building friendships and connections with strangers.
Say YES to experiencing changes that feel uncomfortable and yet somewhat exciting at the same time.
Say YES to unexpected invites that create interest and pull you out of your comfort zone.
Say YES to random encounters and coincidences that you don’t quite understand but would like to make the most of.
The Mantra: I say YES to my life. I am expanding my opportunities!
“Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
— Eckhart Tolle
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