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"It all comes back to you."
Day Thirty-One of the Self-love 31-day 5-minute Challenge: Trust Yourself
Take your own advice; gurus, counselors, coaches, etc. are all here to guide us when we might be in a quandary.
We are here for each other to be of service. We are fortunate to live in a time where we have so many choices, and so many people who believe in themselves to be of service for us.
I have always been a believer in 'banter' when I have a difficult decision to make, I like to talk it out first with myself, then with someone else.
I love feedback, but I also trust myself to know that it is only a perspective and the final decision is on me. In fact, I always preface that when I ask for advice, I let the other person know that I take full responsibility for my decisions, so fire away your thoughts.
It is great to have many options to run our stories by, but in the end, we have to live with our decision and reap the consequences of our choices. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt; what might sound and be good for someone else is not always your solution, even coming from someone we trust.
Regardless of our choices, life has a way of working out either way no matter which road we choose. If you trust yourself, then you will know that you still have the freedom to make adjustments.
The Mantra: Everything I experience connects me to my greatness.
At the end of this thirty-one-day challenge, it all boils down to YOU.
Dolby Dharma
Dolby Dharma
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”~ Dr. Seuss
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